Wednesday, April 9, 2014


WELCOME TO ONETALL DUDE! A collection of musings and thoughts from an intelligent, observant, hyper-aware individual who stands above the crowd, literally and figuratively. Within, you will find food for thought and continuing discussion, obscure music reccommendations that will surely broaden your auditory awareness, movie reviews that will have you challenge your pre-conceived notions about what storytelling is and can be, funny concepts I think of each and every day, and anything else that I fancy sharing with the world! Thank you for coming, engaging, and trying to become less and less myopic each and every day. With the wealth of information out there in the world, let's use it to inform and challenge ourselves rather than flatter ourselves till we see no difference between the world in our heads and the world we actually live in. Thank you for joining me and broadening your thinking.

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