Thursday, April 10, 2014


Some quotes to get you thinking about things in a different way; words to live by, if you will:

1) “The artist’s job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence”
-Woody Allen via Kathy Bates (Gertrude Stein), Midnight in Paris

2)  “I don’t work the day shift or the night shift: I work the always shift, cause I’m a hero.”
-Nick Offerman as Axe Cop on Fox's Axe Cop

3) "When you're writing fiction or poetry... It really comes down to this: indifference to everything except what you're doing... a young writer could do worse than follow the advice given in those lines."
-Raymond Carver

4) For every moment of triumph, for every instance of beauty, many souls must be trampled. 
-Hunter S. Thompson

5) “...You get to eat, you get to fuck, you get to read Kill a Mockingbird! That’s a great life."
-Louis C.K.

All great men, all very different points of view - if there's one thing to learn, it is this: Follow your heart, do what you love, and if you're honest enough about it, everything will fall into place. The closer you remain to the passionate person Carver speaks of, indifferent to everything but the way you see the world and can make the impact you want, the closer you will remain to your true self, and the better off you will be. If there is one thing to gain out of all of this, it is to keep pursuing passions, keep living, learning, and loving, and you will find yourself blissfully immer
sed in that which makes you happiest -it may not come quickly, it may not come easily, but without seeking it out, it will surely never come.

Till next time (wordier posts to come)...

-One Tall Dude

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