Saturday, April 12, 2014

Today's Photos

Some photos I've taken from over the years that I happened to stumble upon recently... always good to share images that resonate with you, for whatever reason (no touchups whatsoever - let the camera do the talking, let the smudges/glare reveal the truth):

On a Golf Course in Cabo, Mexico... Surely I shanked the shot, too focused on the beautiful view.

From the Bottom of the Eiffel Tower... excuse me, Mr. Eiffel, for checking out your undercarriage.

On the way to Chicago from New York, most likely in Ohio... Only on the open road can you witness the full mystery and majesty of our natural world - a crop duster flew overhead moments later

In El Calafate, Patagonia, Argentina... Sure looks like American Suburbia to me.

Versailles... too beautiful for words, too old to understand; simply gorgeous.

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